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We live in a society of mediocrity. Why is this? Why is everyone mediocre? Well, I believe that
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it's because of the system in place. I heard from Iman Gazi, he said that we live in a society
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where it is normal to go to school, which is basically like a factory that conditions us to be
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mediocre and behave well and to obey the orders of our teachers, our bosses, the factory owners,
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all these people. And so we're in a society where it is normal to be mediocre and it's actually
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strange and out of the ordinary to excel, to strive for success. And so I also learned from Iman
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that the Trojans and the ancient Greeks, they were not like that. The lifestyles they led
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were not mediocre. They were far from it. Actually, mediocrity was shunned and it was
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it was the minority. There were not very many people that were not
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that were not striving for excellence or not very many people who were living a
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so-called mediocre lifestyle. And that's because they lived in a society where everyone was living
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this rigorous lifestyle. I heard that the Trojans, they would have their the school boys,
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they would be in excellent shape. They would have to do brutal workouts and they would only be
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allowed to walk shoeless and they would always be in the top shape of their lives. And the teachers
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were no ordinary teachers that they pull off the streets. They were highly coveted, selected
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individuals that were excellent role models and excellent mentors. So they were the best of the
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best citizens and they were teaching the young men. And so I was thinking, why do we have to
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live in a mediocre society? And I'm thinking, I'm actually starting to gain hope because I always
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thought that it was not, I always was embarrassed to talk about self-improvement. And even today,
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I'm still kind of embarrassed or ashamed to talk about how I'm striving for success and how I'm
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improving myself just because it's not normal. It's not considered normal in our society. And
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all the time when people ask me, like, oh, you go to the gym at six in the morning? Oh,
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you wake up before the morning? Oh, you do all this, you do that. Like, it's a shock to them to
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see someone who's actually striving for excellence. And I'm starting to garner hope because I always
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thought that it was just how it is that our society is mediocre. But I think that it's time for
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for change to happen. I think it's it's time for a change in the system. It's time for mediocrity
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to be abolished. It's time to end all of this awful lifestyle that people lead. It is time to
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change the culture around here for the better. It's time to live like the Trojans and the Ancient
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Greeks, the Ancient Greeks did. It's time that we come together as a community, as a country, as a
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world, and realize that this mediocrity is not acceptable. We're made for more. It's not okay
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to be mediocre. It is a terrible life. I was mediocre when I was younger. It is an awful life.
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And it does not end well. I know that because you just have to look around. Look at any person on
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the street, older person, it does not end well. Mediocrity is not okay. So it's time to make a change.