Don't fall into the delusion that all you have to do to become successful is to control your thoughts, visualize and stay present! All of these are great but what really gains success is ACTION.
Be careful what you allow into your subconscious mind because it will become apart of you.
The full plan I would follow if I started over as a freshman.
Listed Foods: Eggs Steel Cut Oats White Rice Chicken Cow - Steak, ground beef, etc Fruit Peanut Butter Banana sandwich on toasted whole wheat bread Protein Shake Nuts - Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, Brazil Nuts etc Legs: 3*8-12 ...
My YouTube is starting to pick up some traction. I have 48 subscribers. I am focusing on cultivating Deep Work. I am moving into a homemade home office soon. I am focusing on my fitness and physique a lot more …
We are all playing the same game called Life. Many don't intentionally play it and as a result don't really get much out of it. To play, level up your skills, traits, and character as much as possible.
It does not matter how much you visualize, control your thoughts, or stay present, if you are not taking any real action.
The popular "Monk Mode" is not great after you get too used to it. Yes it is great for people getting their life back on track. But after you plateau it will hold you back unless you make more changes …
Forget About New Year's Resolutions. Write down your stats instead. All Stats: Age Weight Height Bench Squat Dips Pull-ups Deadlift Diet Bolt score Meditation record Books read in a year Current learning Current project Alarm...
Building a physique in High School requires sacrifice but can be done easiest by going to the gym before school and going to bed early.
Watch on YouTube (its better). This Monk Mode consists of 6 key elements: Environment Level: Workspace Level: Bedroom and Closet Level: People Around You Phone is a Tool not a Toy Mind Learning Meditation Thought Control Slee...
Most fail their New Years Resolutions anyway, Instead of creating a New Years Resolution just write down your year end stats. Including many things like: - Age - Weight - Height - Bench - Squat - Deadlift - Dips - …
It takes some time and thought but with patience you can create a perfect routine by following this simple plan.
Act as if it has already been achieved. Acquire the habits of someone who already has achieved that goal, then you too will achieve that goal.
A simple strategy to create optimal routines: 1. Write down all tasks 2. Organize tasks into 2 categories - 1. Crucial and 2. Not Crucial 3. Write down all times from waking to bedtime 4. Fill in your non negotiables …
Our culture creates an environment that is optimal for mediocrity. This is NOT OKAY. It is not fun to live in mediocrity.
Your mind has immense power so direct your attention in accordance with your goals instead of allowing your thoughts to run wild.
Mediocrity is rampant in America whereas in Ancient Greece it was out of the ordinary.
Deep work is important but when you don't even have the discipline to say no to distractions so you can enter the flow state then deep work wont matter.
It is very common that people ask about my habits, routines, plans and goals. Whether this is going to the gym at 6 in the morning before school or not going to college, I have always used the tactic of …
Napoleon Hill's Law of Success in 16 Lessons teaches us that "failures allow their thoughts to run wild". He says that "self control is solely a matter of thought control". He also says that self control is a law of …
Mediocrity is not acceptable. It is time to change the culture around here. Our culture of mediocrity is no match to the Ancient Greeks and the Trojan's cultures.
All successful people have strong self control. "Self control is solely a matter of thought control." To develop strong self control, learn to control your thoughts.
I have been ashamed and embarrassed about my podcast and YouTube channel. When people would ask me what I am working on I would lie and never talk about my podcast or YouTube channel. Watch video version: